Edenbridge - 01732 865530
New Romney - 01797 366620

Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5NH Tel: 01732 865530 Fax: 01732 865838


Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer at Last Chance. We are a very busy and active charity and help and support is always most welcome. We greatly appreciate the time given by our volunteer dog walkers and we know the dogs benefit greatly, both from the company and extra exercise. It is therefore most regrettable that for reasons of Health & Safety we have had to amend our policy regarding volunteer dog walking at Last Chance. Our walkers are a hugely valuable and important part of our team at the Centre but this change of policy will severely restrict the days, times and areas where our dogs can benefit from this activity, i.e. not during public opening hours or busy periods etc. Also as many of our dogs can be quite strong and bouncy and without knowing the previous history of some, we have also been compelled to restrict volunteer dog walking to those with adequate experience. Although the extent of this activity has had to be restricted there will be opportunities for volunteers to play and interact with the dogs in our secure activity areas which can be equally beneficial and enjoyable.

I hope the above has not put you off offering your services as a volunteer at our Centre, there are many areas where your help would be greatly appreciated and there will be some opportunities for dog walking-albeit sadly restricted. If you have some time and a flexible approach to helping the animals at Last Chance we would love to hear from you.

Hope to see you soon - use our contact form to send us a message.