Edenbridge - 01732 865530
New Romney - 01797 366620

Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5NH Tel: 01732 865530 Fax: 01732 865838

Leave a Legacy


Don't leave it to chance - leave it to LAST CHANCE..

As animals can’t speak for themselves it falls to me to ask you to consider leaving a legacy to Last Chance Animal Rescue.

Any money that we may receive will be spent entirely on the running and improvement of the Centre, which is dedicated to the rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing of dogs and cats etc.

Many of the number we receive have found their way to our door through circumstances such as their beloved owner passing away, may that door always be open.

Many are elderly, in their twilight years, and would just love to find a caring retirement home; something we have great success and pleasure in finding for them, and we continue to care for them, young and old, long after they are settled in their new loving homes, by offering all kinds of support, including financial if needed, for their continued welfare and well being.

As you can imagine this level of commitment doesn’t come cheaply, which is why I am appealing to you to remember Last Chance if possible, when you make your Will.

To ensure your wishes take effect, we strongly recommend that you take independent professional advice on the contents of your Will, including any bequest you decide to leave to Last Chance Animal Rescue. It is important that the Charity is correctly identified and the extent of the legacy described in sufficient detail. We suggest that you take our recommended wording set out below to your professional advisor for their information.

If you would like Last Chance Animal Rescue to take care of your pets in your absence please remember to include instructions to this effect, and if possible inform us of your wishes prior to executing your Will.

You can use one of the two sections below if you are writing your own will (cut and paste into your word processor). If your solicitor is writing your will, we suggest that you ask them to look at this page or print it out and take it to your meeting.

To leave a residuary legacy

I give to Last Chance Animal Rescue, Registered Charity Number 1002349 (England & Wales), of Last Chance Animal Rescue, Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5NH (enter Percentage) percent of my residuary estate and I express the wish (but without imposing any binding obligation) that such estate be used for the general purposes of Last Chance Animal Rescue.

To leave a pecuniary legacy (cash sum)

I give to Last Chance Animal Rescue, Registered Charity Number 1002349 (England & Wales), of Last Chance Animal Rescue, Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 5NH the sum of (insert amount in figures and words) and I express the wish (but without imposing any binding obligation) that such estate be used for the general purposes of Last Chance Animal Rescue.