Edenbridge - 01732 865530
New Romney - 01797 366620

Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5NH Tel: 01732 865530 Fax: 01732 865838

Become a Fosterer

Last Chance and its delicate pups, kittens, new mums, mums to be, elderly and poorly animals etc. owe a big thank you to our fosterers. For without a second thought it seems, they regularly welcome into their homes our more needy cases, and offer that 'one to one' attention that really does make such a huge difference to the more vulnerable dogs, cats & rabbits that come our way.

Of course Last Chance has a strict neutering policy and we ensure that all animals applicable at the centre are neutered. We also ensure all puppies and kittens leaving us are neutered at the appropriate age. Sadly many female animals that arrive at our doors from irresponsible, uncaring owners are already pregnant and faced with this situation we are so thankful for our fosterers.

It is so vital in many cases to get an animal into a home as soon as is possible to aid a speedy, happy ending to what is to so many a very traumatic period in their lives.

If you feel you are able to offer your home and love to a animal in need please contact us. It isn't essential to have experience in many cases, full support will be available from Last Chance and all Veterinary and other costs will be covered by the Charity.

We have created a set of frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ) to help give you more information about Fostering.

Fostering Application form (Web Page)

Fostering Application Form (MS Word)

Fostering Application form (Adobe PDF)

Fostering Application form (Notepad / Text)