Edenbridge - 01732 865530
New Romney - 01797 366620

Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5NH Tel: 01732 865530 Fax: 01732 865838

Fostering FAQ

WoofQ. What do I do first, if I am interested?
A. You’ve taken the first step, by picking up this information sheet.
Once you’ve read it through, contact one of the people listed at the end, and we’ll arrange a convenient time to come and have a chat to discuss your interest further.

Q. Do I need to live near Last Chance rescue centre?
A Not necessarily. This will depend on several things :
Whether you are considering long, or short term fostering. Whether you are able to access the rescue centre easily, and if necessary, at fairly short notice i.e. do you drive, or have easy access to private

Q. Will I have to pass any tests?
A. A Not tests exactly.
During our chat, we will talk to you about the type of care you feel able to provide, what facilities and space you have, the type of environment you live in and your lifestyle. At the same time, we will carry out a ‘home check’, which is similar to the check required before you adopt an animal from us.
It is just to make sure that your home and garden provides a safe and secure place for one of our rescued animals to live in.

Meow Q. When will I know if I’ve been accepted as a foster carer?
A. We will normally let you know within 24 hours.
However, this might take a little longer if we ask for any work to be undertaken, for example, making sure there are no holes in a fence etc.

Q Once I’ve been accepted, what then?
A. A Your name will be placed on our register of foster carers, and you just sit back and wait. We will contact you when a suitable animal becomes available.

Q. How much will I get paid?
A. Our foster carers work on a voluntary basis.
e will supply all necessary food, equipment, medical, and any other
support required.

Nibble Q. What if I can’t, or don’t want to foster the animal I am offered?
A. You are never under any obligation to foster an animal. Any placement will be made only when both the fosterer and the foster co-ordinater, are completely satisfied that the placement would be the right one or all parties concerned

Q. What happens if something goes wrong while the dog/cat is in my care?
A. Last Chance have a very dedicated and experienced team of permanent Staff, trustees, and voluntary workers, who will offer every kind of support and assistance possible, either by phone, or in person, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. You will never be left to cope alone, should difficulties arise.

Q. O.K. I’m still interested, what do I do now?
A. Contact us.
We will arrange to come and have a chat, and register you.