Edenbridge - 01732 865530
New Romney - 01797 366620

Hartfield Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5NH Tel: 01732 865530 Fax: 01732 865838

Become a member

We usually try to tell you of all the things we do at Last Chance, so for a change, we thought we would be different and tell you of the things we do not do. As you can see from the list below there are quite a lot of “don'ts”, but we have listed some of our “do’s” too.

We Don't Waste Money on:

  • Plush offices
  • A fleet of vehicles
  • Smart uniforms
  • Paid fund raisers
  • Monthly publications
  • Expensive t.v.ads
  • Paid celebrities
  • Unnecessary admin.
  • Landscaped gardens
  • Free pens

BUT we do:

  • Respond to pleas for help from local pet owners, as well as travelling 400 miles weekly to rescue homeless dogs awaiting death in the Dog Pound.
  • Have a no destruction policy
  • Neuter our animals
  • Inoculate our animals
  • Vet check our animals
  • Indenti-chip our dogs
  • Home check for all our animals
  • Give assistance and support
  • Always take back any of our animals
  • Provide care, warmth, food, love and then always be there for them if we are ever needed.
  • Rescue, treat & re-home animals regardless of age & health

At Last Chance we very much appreciate every single donation we receive, no matter how large or small, and we never undervalue the generosity of our supporters who year after year continue to buy our raffle tickets, join our 1,000 Club, send in one off donations and donate goods, etc. to help us raise money. Without you people there wouldn’t be a Last Chance, and there wouldn’t be a future for animals such as these, that we rescued recently and have since found loving new homes for. If you feel you are able to help us even more by becoming a Member, please visit our membership package page.

Thank you all for your past and/or present valued support. We couldn’t do it without you.